New video service hey!spread helps you upload one video across many of the leading video hosting services! Teachertube not there so too bad for the compulsive teachers out there, but the following services are:

And the users among us might be aware of Blips little distribution features that sends a copy of your video to so that’s just about all bases covered.

I’ve been after this for some time now, asking every firefox extensions developer I met to make me this tool, but thanks to Brent sending me a lil gTalk message – I have it now, and its oh so web2 user friendly! Actually, its quicker and easier to use than the upload interface of all the main video services!!
I’m not going to waste pixels explaining why I need to upload videos across servers so bad, but I’ll just call it promotion and backup.

One thing Hey!Spread (or upcoming competitors) need to add, is the ability to add my own file server to the upload options. Here in NZ, its pricey and unreliable to call files all the time from over seas servers.. so the ability to add a local server would be helpful for that.