Movember – raising awareness of men’s health

Movember – Changing the face of Men’s Health. Movember (the month formerly known as November) is a charity event held during November each year.

Wellington School orders a student and Movember participant to shave off moustache. (Wellington is the capital and political centre of New Zealand)

A Wellington private school boy has shaved his Movember moustache off after his school threatened to ban him from sitting his NCEA exams. Scots College says it is inappropriate for students to grow a moustache, even if it is done for charity.

Facism (sic) …has a new name and look.

Subdued in All Her Rage: The musings of an unemployed twenty-something undergrad – School: Preparing Us For More School

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I have always been prepared for the pretend world — that is, school and school-like situations. I’ve always received good grades. I think I’ve had like 1 or 2 B’s, like 3 or 4 A-‘s and the rest A’s my entire college career. I’m well adjusted to the learning environment, and all that crap.

Bella and I have similar feelings about the school uniform

Culture Kitchen – Does School Teach Kids to Survive and Thrive?

And to carry the thought further, which kinds of education (if any) are best preparing future citizens to survive, and even help prevent, all manner of potential catastrophes to come? I’d put a high premium on self-reliant yet socially responsible technology, schedules, lifestyles, networking, world views and income generation. The kinds of learning based on intrinsic motivation, privacy and sustainability, learning that doesn’t require or prepare people to live and work in assigned dorms and barracks under constant public supervision and scrutiny.

Youtube – Despotism and Democracy “DespotismDeschooling Society discussion in Wikiversity

“The most radical alternative to school would be a network or service which gave each man the same opportunity to share his current concern with others motivated by the same concern.” — Ivan Illich.